Summer Mark Making

Greetings all,

Mark making is quickly becoming a fundamental aspect of my abstract expression, providing me an avenue to convey my thoughts and ideas onto a blank canvas. Each mark carries a visual narrative on the surface, and I hope carries the viewer further across flexible forms into abstracted space. Using delicate or bold strokes, I hope to provide an indelible impression on the viewer.

Like other abstract artists, intuition plays a major role in my personal narrative in non-representational compositions. I think this is fitting as art watchers engage with abstract, non-representational art on an intuitive level. Does this bridge the gap between the intention of abstract art and the viewer? I think so. Its individual. I start with flexible forms that eventually shift across the canvas.

To be honest, I find myself accidentally placing a compositional element dead center or separating a composition in two distinct halves only to reposition those elements as the composition evolves. What possesses me to do this almost every time?

Abstract art exists in a realm of flexible forms, lines and colors. It aims to provoke thought about our lives and surroundings, and spark curiosity by embracing ambiguity as essential to the process and inviting individual interpretations. One may want to be comfortable with their work, but that can be a dead end. Abstract art celebrates the power of visual representation without being bound by the limitations of the tangible world, offering tangible challenges about beauty profound connections beyond the confines of the canvas.

Below are new works. Some are still works in progress. The palettes are cool with areas of warm contrasts.

I want to make artwork that isn’t about current trends but something more enduring. Being true to oneself in contemporary art seems like a challenge at times.


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